The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstance and is subject to change.
Savings and Investments
At One Stop Finance our approach to investment advice is based on clearly understanding your financial situation, your goals, and how much risk you are prepared to take with your money.
The expert professional guidance we can provide will help you through this process. This means we can ensure that our solutions are right for you and that you have all the information you need to make a clear decision.
What does investing mean?
Achieving a good return on our money is something we all aim for. When we invest, we do so, on your behalf with the expectation of generating income or capital growth.
For most styles of investing the returns will not be guaranteed and will be affected by market forces.
Secure returns are offered by Banks or Building Societies in the form of interest-bearing accounts.
Advice on cash deposits is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Investing money to achieve a specific goal is normally considered to be a medium to long term strategy, e.g., planning for retirement. Depending on your circumstances this can be achieved by investing on a regular basis, monthly or annually, or by investing a lump sum.
Understanding your needs and requirements
Before we make recommendations regarding potential investments, we need to understand more about you and your investment aims. We do this by completing a detailed fact find, where we will ask you about your current financial situation, your investment goals, and objectives.
We will also ask about your feelings concerning your investment. How you feel about risk, and your expectations, are key to steering you towards appropriate investments.
We will consider your tax position to check that you are using any available tax relief and/or allowance entitlements.
It is our philosophy that you should be supported throughout your savings and investment journey, to give you every opportunity to achieve your goals/ objectives. By accepting regular financial advice in the form of regular reviews we can help guide you through the complexities of investments and ensure your investment plan is always tailored to fit your circumstances and act when it’s needed.
What we can offer you
At One Stop Finance we can offer a range of investment options that will be tailored to your circumstances. We can offer advice on a full range of products including Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs), Collective Investments, Bonds and Pensions. These can be held as individual products, although it is often more beneficial to hold them collectively on a platform which can give you more control over your investments, allowing you, and your adviser, to manage your investments in real time and in one place.
ISA Investors do not pay any personal tax on income or gains. Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
An Individual Savings Account (or ISA) is a tax-efficient way of saving or investing money. Holdings within an ISA are not liable to income tax or capital gains tax. Your money can be held either as cash savings or investments.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
If you are over 16 (for cash ISAs) or over 18 (for investment ISAs) and a UK resident, you are entitled to open an ISA. Also, Junior ISAs are available for available for under 18s. Each tax year you will have a pre-determined ISA allowance. This is the maximum you can put into an ISA in that tax year. You can pay in lump sums, make regular contributions or switch from an existing ISA provider.
The advantage of choosing an investment ISA is that it gives your money the potential to achieve much better returns than it would in a cash ISA.
The disadvantage of a stocks and shares ISA is that values can also fall.
At One Stop Finance we make sure that your ISA is invested in a way that matches your attitude to risk and investment objectives.
Collective Investments
A Collective Investment is a fund where money from different investors is pooled together and used by a Fund Manager to buy investments. By aggregating the funds of a large number of small investors, an investment company gives individual investors access to a wider range of securities than the investors themselves would not have been able to access.
There are thousands of Collective Investments available, which invest in a combination of many types of investments across the world. Naturally, it is important to choose funds that match your risk profile. That’s where One Stop Finance can help. Our advisers will recommend a fund (or a group of funds) that match the amount of risk you are willing to take. These types of funds are often held on a ‘platform’ account so we will also be able to recommend a suitable account provider for you.
Investment Bonds
Investment Bonds are for lump sum investments in a range of investment choices. These are often a good option if you wish to take an income from your investment because they let you withdraw up to 5% per year of the amount originally invested. The tax benefits on this type of investment can be used to your advantage.
It is important to save money that you can use when you retire. Investing in a Pension is a great way of doing that. Please see the Pensions section of our website for more information.
Summary and Disclaimer
Whether you want to invest a lump sum, make regular contributions or would just like your existing investments reviewed, your investment choices are vast. It is vital to make sure that your money is held in investments that take a level of risk that you are comfortable with, whilst meeting your long-term investment goals.
One Stop Finance can recommend a solution that is suitable for your needs. So, whether you would prefer to be conservative or take a more dynamic approach we can help you. We can also review the investment choices on a regular basis with you to make sure that they still fit your requirements.
It is important to remember that investment performance is not guaranteed, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns. This means that the value of your investments could increase or decrease. You may not get back all the money that you invested.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.
Tax planning is not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
For more information on Savings and Investments
please call us on 020 8441 2605 or 01442 232 272.
Alternatively, for our enquiry form,
The value of pensions and investments and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.
Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstance and is subject to change.